Tuesday 26 March 2013

2nd Social Sewing Saturdays!

So heartwarming to see everyone come along for a second round of social sewing.

Despite being late to my own date, everyone was enthusiastic enough to get started without me.

Did you know that we have a Friend of the Library, Robyn, who used to teach textiles, helping our participants with their projects? She is very tactful and I learnt how not to 'over sew'. Which means, you dont need to zig zag EVERY edge of your seams or iron them face out. You can actually zig zag them TOGETHER after trimming to reduce bulk.

So there you have it, I have been overworking my machine, go through the thread like there is no tomorrow and whipping myself into a frenzy for no reason. Thanks Robyn!

We have another beginner sewer in the ranks who has completed her second project for a boys room, simple but effective, check it out below...

There is plenty of room for cutting out and having a bit of fabric envy....

The next session is on Saturday 27th April, enjoy your Easter!
