Monday 23 March 2015

Too hot to sew?

Bring your projects along this Saturday to Gordon White Library Community Meeting Room and sew in the cool comfort of air-conditioning!

I can't wait to see how much I sew and then pull out this time!

Looking forward to seeing what clever projects folks are working on this month!

See you at Gordon White Library at 1.00 pm on Saturday!

Sewing, talking, drinking coffee (or tea!) .......

Sunday 1 March 2015

A little stitch, a little social.....

It was bliss to stitch in the cool of the GWL Community Meeting Room on Saturday, considering the hot and muggy weather.

Out of the blue visitors prevented our resident expert in all things textiles from attending SSS as planned but that is life. Was it John or Julian  Lennon who said something along the lines of "Life happens while you're busy making other plans"? Another of our regulars was unable to spend the whole afternoon at SSS but still popped in so that her daughter could model a dress her clever mum had made from a t-shirt and fabric recycled from another garment.

A newcomer came armed with Burda Style magazines and paper ready to start preparing some paper patterns. Further investigation of the pattern of her daughter's choice, decided her that it would not be a flattering style thus warranting further perusal of more magazines to find something more suitable. Fortunately she had borrowed several from the library's collection thus finding much inspiration.

One of our regulars brought along a sewing project that was not quite matching expectations. After experimenting with several notions, the siren call of the  Burda Style magazines proved too much so the project was hastily packed away and periodical perusal began. So much of the fun of sewing is browsing through books and magazines looking for ideas. The beauty of Burda Style is that it is bit of an indicator of what fashion is coming our way so one can be ahead of the latest.

Our resident cross-stitcher verged on being cross when after much careful counting it was discovered that way back at the beginning ........ there was a mis-count, hence necessitating, for the second SSS in a row, some more therapeutic pulling out! It has taken nearly six hours of work to achieve next to nothing! Hopefully new glasses will assist in preventing repetition of this at next SSS! Maybe cross-stitch is not a good choice when sewing socially!

A cup of coffee, biscuits and some social commiseration helped dimish the pain!

Hope you continue to enjoy that Burda Style browsing and stitching. Keep on sewing!