Thursday 13 June 2013

The next social sewing June 29th at 1-4pm!

Hello there,
Social Sewing Saturday will be on again in June, on Saturday 29th, Gordon White Library Meeting room at 1-4pm.

Do you need some help with your sewing project? Maybe you would like to challenge yourself and start a new one? Do you have a half done project that deserves to be finished? Or just join us for a creative afternoon, meet some new people over a cup of tea and share some sewing stories.

Bring your own project and materials to our Sewing Social Saturdays where an experienced teacher will be present to assist you and give you tips on your current sewing project!

Bring a friend or family member, look forward to seeing you there!

I have been enjoying the 'ask the reader' segment on Coletterie, check it out here
What do you think? Is your taste in fabric different to your taste in clothes?
I am notorious for spending time and moula on beautiful liberty prints, only to find they don't suit me at all! oh the travesty....